Measuring the Carbon Footprint: Project Pegada + Sustentável
Rota Vicentina Takes Another Step in Promoting Responsible TourismRota Vicentina is many things—it is also a network of businesses th[...]
Welcome Ezra!
New Beginnings: My Journey with Rota VicentinaOlá, I’m Ezra, a 22-year-old adventurer from Turkey with a strong love for nature, cul[...]
Ecological Monitoring of the Rota Vicentina Walking Trails (Part 4)
How to Minimize the Negative Impacts of Walking Trails?As part of the monitoring study of the Rota Vicentina walking trails, an updated[...]
A New Volunteering Calendar for the 2025!
Get your hiking boots ready for the new year because the volunteer dates for the first quarter have been announcedFresh out of the oven[...]
Rota Vicentina: International Fairs 2025
Are you ready to travel? We are!In 2025, Rota Vicentina is getting ready to travel by participating in a series of international fairs [...]
Ecological Monitoring of Rota Vicentina’s Walking Trails (Part 3)
Vegetation Responses to Walking TrailsThe bibliography consulted in 2013 regarding the impacts of walking trails mentioned changes in h[...]
Rota Vicentina: Participates in local traditions of the Algarve
We were once Again at the Festival da Batata Doce in AljezurThis year, Rota Vicentina returned to the Festival da Batata Doce in Aljezu[...]
Ecological Monitoring of the Rota Vicentina Walking Trails (Part 2)
The Challenge of Alternative TrailsOne of the impacts that was anticipated, as observed in walking routes worldwide, is the proliferati[...]
Ecological Monitoring of the Rota Vicentina Walking Trails (Part 1)
What is the purpose of a monitoring study?A large part of the Rota Vicentina (RV) walking trails is located within the Southwest Coast [...]
A Year with Rota Vicentina: A Journey of Discovery and Transformation
For Martina, long-term volunteer in our Association, the time has come to reflect on the memories collected over the past 12 months in [...]
Update on the risk of landslides on the Fishermen’s Trail
Challenges on the Fishermen's Trail between Zambujeira do Mar and Odeceixe Following confirmation of a possible risk of collapse on one[...]
Cycling in Birdwatching and Observa Lagunas
Rota Vicentina participates in nature eventsThe Birdwatching festival in Sagres and the ObservaLagunas festival in Sto. André marked t[...]
Rota Vicentina receives the medal of tourist merit of Responsible Tourism
At the VII Portuguese Tourism Summit, held in Mafra during the celebration of World Tourism Day, the Rota Vicentina Association was awa[...]
My Experience as a volunteer in Rota Vicentina
A year in the south-west of AlentejoA year has passed since I arrived in Portugal, in the small town of Odemira. Reflecting on this adv[...]
Volunteering in October, November and December
Maintenance hikes on the Rota Vicentina trails in October, November and December 2024
The JUNTES Festival
A festival to connect!Martina and Nina, volunteer in our Association, are organizing an evening dedicated to Art and Connections, celeb[...]
Bridge over the Seixe stream reconstructed
More than a bridge, a sign of resilience.
Historical Way: updated track (2024)
Changes to the first two stages
New applications for one-year volunteering at Rota Vicentina
Are you between 18 and 30 years old? Do you want to contribute to a responsible tourism project on the Alentejo and Vicentina Coast?
FEI-TUR, the SW Tourism Fair
From June 13th to 16th, Rota Vicentina team will be at FEI-TUR in Vila Nova de Milfontes.
The route of the first two stages of the Historical Way will be changed
The route of the first two stages of the Historical Way will be changed
We’re looking for volunteer models!
Would you like to be part of a photoshoot on the trails of Rota Vicentina?
Finally, it rained! How are Rota Vicentina trails?
Warnings about water and mud accumulation along the trails of Rota Vicentina after the recent rains.
Localities: Meeting with Official Partners
Porto Covo, March 6th, 2024.On March 6th we held our 4th Meeting with Official Partners in the low season, in the village of Porto Covo[...]
More volunteering activities in 2024!
We've released extra dates for trail maintenance and nature conservation activities on the Rota Vicentina WalkingTrails!
The UBUNTU meeting
The term, of South African origin, embodies the essence of community and cooperation, as suggested by its literal translation: "I am because we are".
Stuttgart, Utrecht e Gent: here we go!
The trade fair season for Rota Vicentina is officially open.
Do you want to be a citizen scientist?
We are on iNaturalist! And you, do you also want to be a citizen scientist?
My first steps on the Rota Vicentina
Martina is a volunteer at Rota Vicentina Association. In this article she tells us the story of her first walk in Southwest of Portugal.
The Senses of Walking
Walking along the Fishermen's Trail and the Historical Way, from the perspective of Nina Leroy, a Rota Vicentina volunteer.
The Leading Quality Trails Meeting in the Historical Villages of Portugal
The program was demanding and tight, hopping between villages and trails. The result was an immense inspiration!
How was the Sagres Birdwatching Festival 2023?
Rota Vicentina attended another edition of the Sagres Birdwatching Festival 2023 with two guided walks led by Leonor Pires.
Markings of Caminhos de Santiago and short-distance hiking trails coinciding with Rota Vicentina
Hey hikers, take note! There is a variety of trails (and signage) in Porto Covo and Cercal do Alentejo areas.
Welcome, Nina and Martina!
Over the next 12 months, Rota Vicentina Association welcomed Nina and Martina, supported by the European Solidarity Corps.
Finally, the e-book of Rota Vicentina Walking Trails!
Plan your hike on Rota Vicentina with the e-book is just a couple of clicks away, for only 12€.
Discover Rota Vicentina’s Partners with AMBITUR
Stories from Rota Vicentina's partners at portuguese magazine AMBITUR
New maintenance hikes calendar
Sign up for our maintenance walks on Rota Vicentina. Join us and make a difference!
What have we been doing in the pilot areas?
Results of nature conservation activities in the 2022-2023 season in Rota Vicentina's pilot areas.
The backstage of a nature conservation activity (Part 2)
Hottentot fig: planning and intervention strategy in Rota Vicentina pilot areas
Fire on Rota Vicentina trails
Rota Vicentina trails in the areas of S. Teotónio, Odeceixe and Bordeira affected by the August 2023 fires
Donations campaigns post-fires August 2023
The heart of our region burnt heavily during the last few days. From south of São Teotónio to south of Odeceixe, peoples properties, [...]
What have you learned on Invasive Species Iberian Week 2023?
Rota Vicentina’s activities in Invasive Species Iberian Week
Rota Vicentina on its way to FACECO
From July 21 to 23, we will be at FACECO - Fair of Cultural and Economic Activities of the Municipality of Odemira, in S. Teotónio.
The backstage of a Nature Conservation Activity (part 1)
Long-leaved Wattle: Planning and Intervention Strategy in Rota Vicentina’s Pilot Areas
Breaking news: we have moved!
You can now find our team at our new address: Avenida Teófilo da Trindade N.º6 – Odemira (across from the playground).
The end of official walking and cycling season on Rota Vicentina
The best time to discover Rota Vicentina is from September to June.
The video we chose
The story of the adventure that was capturing the local consumption economy in the new promotional video of Rota Vicentina.
🇬🇧 Volunteering calendar in May and June
Walks and activities calendar for May and June 2023The summer heat has arrived in the Southwest and we are almost at the end of the rec[...]
The landscape we choose: the new video of Rota Vicentina
Rota Vicentina Association celebrates its 10th anniversary on June 5th, 2023, coincidentally, World Environment Day. To celebrate this day, we will finally[...]
Between Aljezur and Arrifana, just follow the trail signage!
On the Aljezur » Arrifana trail section, in Vale Palheiro, there is a restricted area for vehicle circulation. Pedestrian access is maintained through a g[...]
New marking in Porto Covo and Vila Nova de Milfontes
New marking in Porto Covo and Vila Nova de Milfontes
Volunteer for 1 year in Rota Vicentina? Yes, it is possible!
2 one-year volunteer positions in Responsible Tourism area
Springtime splendour on Rota Vicentina highlighted in portuguese magazine Visão Se7e
Peacefulness, breathtaking views and fresh air.This is how the Rota Vicentina is described – and also the Via Algarviana – [...]
New marking on Luz » Lagos trail section of the Fishermen’s Trail
New marking on Luz » Lagos trail section of the Fishermen's Trail.
Rewilding the landscape: the mission of the Rewilding Southwest Association
"Transforming a landscape into a wilder state through actions that promote renaturalization" - this is what rewilding means. And Rewilding Southwest is t[...]
What if an insect managed to wipe out an invasive tree?
Biological control of the invasive acacia in the Natural Park of Southwest Alentejo and Vicentina Coast with Trichi galls
Iberian Week on Invasive Species 2023
We are going outside for Nature Conservation Actions during the special week dedicated to invasive species!
LIFE Volunteer Escapes project
The heritage of a Nature Conservation ProjectRota Vicentina was part of a pioneer nature conservation project – LIFE Volunteer Es[...]
🇬🇧 I am caretaker of part of Sagres » Salema trail section
Francesca takes care of part of Sagres » Salema trail section of Fishermen's Trail.
Rota Vicentina’s new website
Finally, new maps, new report form, new agenda. More easier and faster! Everything you need to live unforgettable days in Southwest Portugal.
CMT Fahrrad & WanderReisen: check!
And three years later, CMT Fahrrad & WanderReisen returned and Rota Vicentina was present, very well represented by Diogo Trindade and Irene Nunes.
Semana ID – A very special week at Rota Vicentina, in the Southwest of Portugal
It’s not a walking festival, it is not a cultural event, it has no headliners. It’s a special week, prepared along the year with and for the Natural Pa[...]
Did something go wrong in the trails? Tell us everything!
Share with us the problem you encountered on the Rota Vicentina trails.
🇬🇧 Volunteering calendar in February, March and April
Maintenance, volunteering and nature conservation activities calendar in February, March and April of 2023Despite these cold days, the [...]
🇬🇧 Maintenance Walk from Furnas to Salema
The first maintenance walk of 2023 took place on the most difficult section of Fishermen's Trail: from Furnas to Salema.
🇬🇧 The Systemic Transformation of the World and “Semana ID”
"Experience feeling nature, breathing in silence, eating what you see being harvested, hiking for pleasure, learning a new lifestyle". For a few days, a fe[...]
🇬🇧 Next stop: Stuttgard, Ghent and Utrecht
Stuttgard, Ghent and Utrecht are the destinations of the European tourism fairs where Rota Vicentina will be present in 2023. If you are nearby, come and v[...]
Seminar “Tourism: a barometer of sustainability in rural territories”
Rota Vicentina Association is organising the Seminar "Tourism: a barometer of sustainability in rural territories", which will take place on March 31st in [...]
🇬🇧 Maintenance Walk in Pego da Laima section » Odemira
On November 12th, we went to the Historical Way.
🇬🇧 We’re caretakers of Luz » Lagos trail section
Students from the Júlio Dantas Schoo helps Rota Vicentina to look after the Luz » Lagos trail section of Rota Vicentina
Do you want to help Rota Vicentina Association? Make a donation!
You can help Rota Vicentina with your time, or with a financial contribution through a donation.
🇬🇧 Volunteering In November, December and January
Maintenance, volunteering and monitoring activities calendar in November and December 2022 and January 2023
🇬🇧 Environmental Awareness Activities with schools in Aljezur and Castelão
Awareness walk in the Algarve + Sustainable and “My profession” activity with the Castelão Kindergarten
Where to buy maps and guide books of Rota Vicentina?
Are you planning your hike on the Fishermen's Trail or the Historical Way? Find out where to find the official maps and guide books of Rota Vicentina!
Semana ID 2023: March 26th to April 1st
In the year that marks the 10th anniversary of Rota Vicentina Association, we invite all community and local partners to another edition of Semana ID.
🇬🇧 Algarve + Sustainable: we’ll be there!
Rota Vicentina will be present in Algarve+Sustainable event.
🇬🇧 Walkers alert: cut of trees in S. Martinho das Amoreiras Circular Route
There is a cut of trees that makes difficult to walk on S. Martinho das Amoreiras Circular Route.
🇬🇧 Rota Vicentina is one of the best long autumn walks in Europe according to The Guardian
British newspaper "The Guardian" highlights Rota Vicentina as one of the best walking destinations in Europe.
🇬🇧 Maintenance of WalkingTrails with the Évora University
On a sunny day of September, Rota Vicentina team walked with some students of Tourism Degree of University of Évora, on the trail section Zambujeira do Ma[...]
🇬🇧 Autumn in Rota Vicentina
Now the weather is milder, the beaches are more peaceful and hotels have lower prices, so there are plenty of good reasons to explore Portugal. All you hav[...]
🇬🇧 How many hikers are on Rota Vicentina right now?
On October 15th and November 10th, we get back on trails for a new monitoring action.
🇬🇧 Volunteering in September and October
Volunteering on Rota Vicentina is back in September and October. Find out the volunteering calendar for the next Autumn season!
🇬🇧 “Rota mais próxima” at… Santiago do Cacém
We want to embrace all local community of this region and with them continue to build the future of Southwest of Portugal. Join us and bring your neighbour[...]
🇬🇧 August in Rota Vicentina
August is not the best month to explore Rota Vicentina, but it is a delightful time for another kind of holidays! The Portuguese people, in particular, lov[...]
🇬🇧 Heat wave weather warning in Portugal
Warning for hikers and cyclists: very high temperatures until 14 July. Plan your walking and cycling holidays for another time!
🇬🇧 Historical Way has been recognised as the best preserved walking trail in Portugal
Historical Way distinguished with "Best Of Responsible Trails"
🇬🇧 Rota Vicentina in the Brazilian Congress of Trails
From 25 to 29 May, Rota Vicentina Association will be present in the 1st edition of the Brazilian Congress of Trails.
🇬🇧 [Resolved] Walkers Alert: a bridge collapsed in Fishermen’s Trail
Walkers Alert: a bridge collapsed in Fishermen’s Trail, between Vila Nova de Milfontes » Almograve
🇬🇧 Volunteering activities in May and June
Official hiking season is almost over and to do it in the best way, the Rota Vicentina Association proposes 7 maintenance walks and 1 field trip for survey[...]
🇬🇧 We are looking for volunteers to monitorize Rota Vicentina!
Rota Vicentina is looking for volunteers for a Monitoring Action Day in May!
🇬🇧 Walking on Rota Vicentina for 10 years
In the May Editorial of the Rota Vicentina's new blog we make an overview about the journey that the Association has made in the region in the last 10 year[...]
🇬🇧 Your feedback about the Semana ID ’22
After the Semana ID we asked for feedback from those who experienced this event!
🇬🇧 [Resolved]Walkers Alert: cut of trees in Sabóia area
There is a tree cutting that does not allow the passage of the trail (Circular Route Discovering Totenique path and connection to the Sabóia - Odemira His[...]
🇬🇧 After Semana ID… the Agenda keep on going!
From now on, in towns and villages of Alentejo and Algarve, we can see the stickers of Rota Vicentina's Agenda, including a QR Code that takes us directly [...]
🇬🇧 Welcome to the new Rota Vicentina’s Blog!
Editorial of April 2022
🇬🇧 “A feeling of gratitude to be allowed to live here”
Claire was a student on the 1st edition of the Course for Local Guides and shared his testimony with us.
🇬🇧 “Rota Vicentina is more than a series of hiking trails”
Matt Davies was a student on the 1st edition of the Course for Local Guides and shared his testimony with us.
🇬🇧 Maintenance Walk in the Circular Route São Teotónio’s Heathlands
The maintenance walks on Rota Vicentina are always very special moments. This was in February, on a sunny winter day, in São Teotónio village.
🇬🇧 Save the date: Semana ID 2022 is coming
From April 3rd to 9th, the Southwest of Portugal will host a new Semana ID (portuguese words for ID Week), an event promoted by Rota Vicentina Association,[...]
🇬🇧 We will monitoring the impact of Rota Vicentina
In 2017, Rota Vicentina had the privilege of being able to count on many volunteers and Associates to monitorize the trails and this year we want to repeat[...]
🇬🇧 Volunteering in February and March
8 maintenance walks and 1 field trip for monitoring
🇬🇧 Rota Vicentina is training local guides for the region!
12 days focused on the interpretation and appreciation of cultural and natural heritage, as well as on the relationship with local communities.
🇬🇧 Awarning to hikers: risk of landslide in the south of Amália Beach
A part of the trail section of Zambujeira do Mar » Odeceixe, of Fishermen's Trail was closed. An alternative trail has been defined.
🇬🇧 Rota Vicentina in 2021
Chegada a altura de fazer balanços e reflexões, relembramos o que de melhor aconteceu em 2021 na Rota Vicentina.
🇬🇧 🇩🇪 “Touro Azul” in the Die Zeit
Article by Lisa Frieda Cossham, published in the 2021 3rd edition of the German weekly Die Zeit.
🇬🇧 We’re caretakers of Senhora das Neves Circular Route
Paula and Alexandre from Figueirinha Ecoturismo are caretakers, since 2019, of the Senhora das Neves Circular Route, a path that takes us to the Hermitage [...]
🇬🇧 We’re caretakers of Bordeira to the Sea Circular Route
Leonor and Francisco are Architects, they started to collaborate with Rota Vicentina as volunteers and today they are caretakers of Circular Route from Bor[...]
🇬🇧 Volunteering in November and December
We invite you to take a look at the calendar of the next voluntary activities of the Rota Vicentina.
🇬🇧 We’re so happy to see you back on track!
The official walking season has started and we are already seeing some hikers (and cyclists) out there, which makes us very grateful!
🇬🇧 Rota Vicentina at World for Travel – Évora Fórum
From September 16th to 17th, Rota Vicentina will be present at the World for Travel - Évora Forum, a conference about the Sustainable Tourism.
🇬🇧 Volunteering in September and October
Here is the new calendar with Rota Vicentina activities. We are soooooo happy to get back to the trails, to take care of them, specially with those who lov[...]
🇬🇧 I’m the caretaker of Santiago do Cacém » Vale Seco trail section
David Sobral is the official caretaker of Santiago do Cacém » Vale Seco stage of the Historical Way, since 2019.
🇬🇧 We’re caretakers of Cercal do Alentejo » Porto Covo trail section
Since 2020, Herdade da Matinha takes care of Cercal do Alentejo » Porto Covo Historical Way stage.
🇬🇧 I’m caretaker of Odeceixe » Aljezur trail section
Andreia has been the caretaker of Odeceixe » Aljezur section of the Fishermen's Trail since 2020
🇬🇧 We’re caretakers of Odemira » S. Teotónio trail section
Helena and Joia are caretakers of one Historical Way trail section, since the creation of walking trails in the region. They take care of Odemira » São T[...]
🇬🇧 I’m caretaker of Odeceixe » Aljezur trail section
Nelson Banza has been caretaker of Odeceixe » Aljezur trail section of the Historical Way since 2020.
🇬🇧 Together for sustainable tourism
12 collaborative networks launch national campaign for responsible tourism
🇬🇧 Routes through the Southwest of Portugal
Tips and itineraries for Southwest Alentejo and Vicentina Coast
🇬🇧 We’re caretakers of Troviscais ao Mira Circular Route
Long time friends of Rota Vicentina, Peter and Joke are caretakers of "Troviscais ao Mira" Circular Route that reveals the most inhospitable and authentic [...]
🇬🇧 We’re caretakers of Amoreira Circular Route
Since 2014, Margarida Novais and the team from Vicentina Hotel has been caretaker of the Circular Route of Amoreira.
🇬🇧 Rota Vicentina presents mini-series “Portraits of SW Portugal”
Fisheries, sacred land, cork and medronho. 4 episodes that reflect the roots of Southwest of Portugal.
🇬🇧 I’m caretaker of Porto Covo » Vila Nova de Milfontes trail section
Tireless, he takes care of part of Porto Covo »Vila Nova de Milfontes section.
🇬🇧 I’m caretaker of Zambujeira do Mar » Odeceixe trail section
António is caretaker and Partner Associate of Rota Vicentina since the beginning. He takes care of the Zambujeira do Mar » Odeceixe section of Fishermen'[...]
🇬🇧 We’re caretakers of Almograve » Zambujeira do Mar trail section
Teresa and Augusto are caretakers and friends of Rota Vicentina, since ever!
🇬🇧 We’re caretakers of Aljezur » Arrifana trail section
Since 2020, Domitur has been caretaker of Aljezur » Arrifana section of the Historical Way.
🇬🇧 I’m caretaker of Sissal Beach Circular Route
Teacher Catarina Chagas Pinto takes care of Circular Route of the Rota Vicentina in Porto Covo since 2019.
🇬🇧 Remote Volunteering in Rota Vicentina
Do you want to help Rota Vicentina but you're not around? Find ou more about the new remote volunteering platform!
🇬🇧 We’re caretakers of Vila Nova de Milfontes » Almograve trail section
Susana and Calhi are Godfathers, Founders and Offical Partners Associates of Rota Vicentina since the beginning. They take care of the famous Vila Nova de [...]
🇬🇧 The testimony of volunteer Mara
Mara came from Latvia to do her European Voluntary Service in Portugal, in particular on Rota Vicentina.
6 steps towards Responsible Travel in Rota Vicentina
If you believe that protecting and maintaining this pristine region – with its outstanding nature, unique culture and authentic way of living – relies [...]
🇬🇧 Rota Vicentina on the spanish blog Hanway
"The best are the people" says Javier, spanish travel blogger.
🇬🇧 14 days in Rota Vicentina with ECO 123 magazine
The therapist Rena Schulte is 29 years old and lives in Berlin. She decided to visit Portugal, and make the trip on foot, along the Historical Way and the [...]
🇬🇧 Nature, tranquility and gastronomy in portuguese televison SIC
"Rota Vicentina had an impact on the region because it put it on the world map."
🇬🇧 Rota Vicentina Association delivers two Manifestos to the Government of Portugal
Rota Vicentina Association delivers two Manifestos to the Government of Portugal
🇬🇧 Rota Vicentina at Condé Nast Traveler
The Condé Nast Traveler magazine, are worthy of special attention when it comes to visiting the Alentejo.
🇬🇧 Another amazing article about Rota Vicentina in Lonely Planet magazine!
In a big article, Lonely Planet was at Alentejo to know its history, landscapes and gastronomy.
The journalist Michael Glombowski traveled the Alentejo during the month of November and of course, did not miss the opportunity to hike in the Rota Vicent[...]
🇬🇧 Rota Vicentina with the children’s of Milfontes
On the 18th May 2016, Rota Vicentina cooperated on a walk with children from the Vila Nova de Milfontes Kindergarten.
Rota Vicentina on European Environmental Bureau
The case of Rota Vicentina and the Southwest Portugal highlighted on the European publication from the European Environmental Bureau.
🇬🇧 Rota Vicentina at X-Journey
“Discovering the pristine West-Algarve with its hidden natural treasures on foot along the Fishermen’s Trail is a very unique experience”, Daniela Ha[...]
🇬🇧 Cooperation protocol with the 5 Municipalities of the region
Santiago do Cacém, Sines, Odemira, Aljezur and Vila do Bispo assume a financial, technical and logistical commitment to the various activities of the Asso[...]
🇬🇧 Rota Vicentina at The Sunday Times
An unique experience, not only for the landscape, welcoming and gastronomy. To read in The Sunday Times.
🇬🇧 Rota Vicentina at Lonely Planet Travel Magazine
"Walking on sunshine". Lonely Planet Travel Magazine highlights the trails of Rota Vicentina.
🇬🇧 New Association Rota Vicentina created
The partnership created around Rota Vicentina was extended beyond its starting promoters, involving now about one hundred Sw Portugal tourism entrepeneurs [...]
🇬🇧 Fishermen’s Trail at National Geographic Traveler
10 of the best new walking trails according to National Geographic Traveler
🇬🇧 International Award in Berlin
Rota Vicentina's promotional video Two Steps to Freedom won the Golden City Gate prize, awarded at ITB Berlim, the world's biggest tourism fair.
🇬🇧 British Guild of Travel Writers recognize Rota Vicentina
Rota Vicentina won a Merit Award from the prestigious British Guild of Travel Writers.
🇬🇧 Rota Vicentina at german magazine Ok!
"Mit Caro um die Welt: I love... Algarve - Ich nehme euch mit zu den schönsten Reisezielen - Teil 20: Costa Vincentina, Portugal"