12 Nov 2021 Community

🇬🇧 We’re caretakers of Bordeira to the Sea Circular Route

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Francisco de Sousa & Leonor Pires
Caretakers since 2020

Leonor and Francisco are young Architects, they started collaborating with Rota Vicentina as volunteers in the LIFE Volunteer Escapes project in 2019, today they are caretakers of the Circular Route From Bordeira to the Sea. We want to thank them for the work they do on that trail!

My history at Rota Vicentina started as a volunteer in the LIFE Volunteer Escapes project, in 2019, and since then I fell in love with this region and this team. The diversity of landscapes and the richness of flora and fauna that these trails cover is impressive, especially for a young Landscape Architect. This trail is a perfect image of what this region can offer and I hope I can contribute, as a godfather, to keep all its biodiversity and charm.

I am a Landscape Architect and rediscovered the beauty of these landscapes through the Rota Vicentina, as a volunteer for the LIFE Volunteer Escapes project, in the area of Nature Conservation. I was completely embraced by Rota Vicentina, the Team and the cause and values they carry with them. Caretaking this beautiful path is just one of the many contributions I want to make to this project.

Francisco e Leonor

Would you also like to be a caretaker of Rota Vicentina trail? Community, schools, associations or companies can be caretaker of Rota Vicentina trails for 1 year and support Rota Vicentina to maintain the quality of the trails, already certified and praised in the four corners of the world!
If you are available and want to be part of the backstage of the Association,
contact us!


Irene Nunes

Irene Nunes nasceu em França, em 1986. Formou-se em Relações Internacionais, mas foi no Ecoturismo e Educação Ambiental que encontrou o seu caminho. As várias experiências de turismo, natureza e cultura inspiraram o seu percurso e trouxeram-na até ao Sudoeste de Portugal, onde é, desde 2017, responsável pelas áreas de Trilhos Pedestres e Voluntariado na Associação Rota Vicentina.

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Irene Nunes

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11 Dec 2021 Community

🇬🇧 We’re caretakers of Senhora das Neves Circular Route

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