Between Luz and Lagos villages, we have news on the Fishermen's Trail!

Recently improvements have been made on the trail section Luz » Lagos (Fishermen’s Trail), with a new marking.
Lagos Municipality is moving ahead with the project to upgrade the Meia-Praia seafront. That part of the trail, designed and completed in 2019, passed through the road (at the time, the land by the sea was private property and no permission had been given for pedestrian passage).
To fully embrace the stunning beauty of this coastline and the Fishermen’s Trail, we’ve made a change to the trail. Now, instead of walking along the road, you’ll be hiking along the boardwalk built by Lagos Municipality.

Irene Nunes nasceu em França, em 1986. Formou-se em Relações Internacionais, mas foi no Ecoturismo e Educação Ambiental que encontrou o seu caminho. As várias experiências de turismo, natureza e cultura inspiraram o seu percurso e trouxeram-na até ao Sudoeste de Portugal, onde é, desde 2017, responsável pelas áreas de Trilhos Pedestres e Voluntariado na Associação Rota Vicentina.