Nina and Martina are the new volunteers at Rota Vicentina.
Over the next 12 months, Rota Vicentina Association welcomed Nina and Martina through the Regenerate Odemira II project, a partnership between the Municipality of Odemira and 5 local associations, supported by the European Solidarity Corps.
Nina, comes from Tours, France, while Martina comes from Bergamo, Italy. Both arrived in Portugal this Tuesday, October 10th, with a bag filled with enthusiasm to embark on this experience!
Nina will dedicate 12 months of volunteering at Rota Vicentina to the area of Walking Trails. On the other hand, Martina will work on projects related to members and the local community. Both will play an active role in communication, so you can expect to see various articles in French and Italian here on the Blog. See you soon!
Nasceu em Montpellier, no sul de França, em 1982. Em 2005, muda radicalmente de vida e instala-se no Alentejo. Na Rota Vicentina, faz a gestão do projecto ID, com o intuito de aproximar cada vez mais o setor do turismo e a comunidade local. Gosta de costura, leitura mas também de atividades ao ar livre!