Donations campaigns post-fires August 2023

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The heart of our region burnt heavily during the last few days. From south of São Teotónio to south of Odeceixe, peoples properties, the warehouses, the forest, the Seixe river valey… So much had been lost we decided to create this fund and gather everyone’s offers to help. In the meanwhile we will better understand the damages and built the plan for this money.

Donation campaign post fires August 2023
Donate here

We would like to share more initiatives in the same context: some Rota Vicentina members who were affected by the fires have crowdfunding campaigns underway.

Monte da Choça campaign: “Help us rebuild Bela Vista House”
Teima campaign: “Help TEIMA rise from the ashes”.

The ODX Restaurant (which can be followed on Instagram) has been organizing fundraising events to assist the local community affected by the fires.

There is also a WhatsApp support group (primarily physical assistance) called Phoenix.

Thank you for your support and trust. All together, we will keep the track stronger than ever!


Marta Cabral

Born in Lisbon in 1975. She is CEO of Rota Vicentina Association. In his free time, he enjoys walking, cycling, reading, yoga, silence and …parties!

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18 Aug 2023 Article Management & Maintenance

Fire on Rota Vicentina trails

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