01 Oct 2022 Article Trips

🇬🇧 Autumn in Rota Vicentina

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In Rota Vicentina, this season means a return, not to school, work and routines, but to our trails. Autumn officially marks this new walking and cycling season, on foot or by bike, there are many proposals to (re)discover the Alentejo and Algarve regions.

rota vicentina outono autumn algarve sagres caminho histórico historical way

Birdwatching Festival

From 1 to 5 October, the Vicentine Route migrates to Sagres an event organised by the municipality of Vila do Bispo, the Associação Almargem and the Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves (SPEA).

To dust off your boots, the programme starts with two walks on the Fishermen’s Trail and the Historical Way, where besides getting to know the most challenging trail sections of Rota Vicentina, it will be possible to care our trails, repainting the marks and cleaning up the rubbish along the way.

For bike lovers, there will be a 29 km bike tour, which reaches the highest point on the Vicentina Coast: “Torre d’Aspa”.

But the activities in this event continue:

A workshop on “How to take care of Walking Trails?”, an environmental awareness walk “Native vs. Invasive Plants” and for those who haven’t seen it yet, a screening of our nature documentary “The Coast of the Storks”.

And for those who want to know more about our project and the Rota Vicentina Association, there will be a new session of “A Rota Mais Próxima”. To clarify doubts, to present questions or suggestions, to discover the Rota Vicentina’s materials or even to meet some members of the team, this will be the moment!

Maintenance and volunteering hikes

In addition to these activities, in October there are more walks on the “Odeceixe to the Sea” and “Paddy Fields of Campilhas” Circular Routes, guided by their respective caretakers. This is a good opportunity to get back on track!

caminhada caminho histórico outono walking historial way autumn

Now the weather is milder, the beaches are more peaceful and hotels have lower prices, so there are plenty of good reasons to explore Portugal. All you have to do is choose how to enjoy our wild nature: on foot, by bike, on horse riding or sitting at a terrace in a traditional Portuguese café.

The wild beauty of Rota Vicentina is now, in the off-season.


Beatriz Silvestre

Nasceu em Odemira no Verão de 1994. É uma apaixonada por sorrisos, por animais e pelas gentes. Na equipa da Rota Vicentina é responsável de marketing e comunicação.

Our suggestions

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🇬🇧 Maintenance of WalkingTrails with the Évora University

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