🇬🇧 Welcome to the new Rota Vicentina’s Blog!

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Editorial of April

There is no “sustainability” without freedom. There is no “sustainability” without identity, resilience and creativity. There is no “sustainability” without ethics and affectivity, knowledge and reflection, local economy and citizenship. If we cannot form a truly sustainable system, we want to move in that direction. We want to, and we can.

In the era of Big Data, less is definitely more. Rota Vicentina is not just a network of trails or even a destination, an Association or a community and sustainable tourism project. Rota Vicentina is a whole system of integrated communication between locals and visitors, governors and other stakeholders, which seeks to provoke small tensions, which in turn stimulate the concerted search for paths that best meet the various challenges. A difficult task, but possible with everyone’s contribution.

That’s why this blog is born. First of all, we want to “dry up the sea of information” about Rota Vicentina that we find on the web.

On the one hand, we recognize the importance of gathering independent information and opinions, and we want to bring this content to the “official” limelight, allowing us to reinforce, disagree, add, correct or simply update.

On the other hand, we want to cement a space for – as a living, multifaceted system – creating relevant content for information, reflection, dialogue and inspiration.

We do it for this region, for its community, for the tourists and operators, but also for the Rota Vicentina’s team. We are professionals and attentive and interested citizens, and we want to open this window to the world.

Articles, chronicles and opinions, interviews, podcasts, clipping, videos.. .everything fits in this blog, which complements a website as big as Rota Vicentina, that we have arranged in this new platform also to present you relevant information, clean, practical, reliable and easy to access.

Welcome to the new Rota Vicentina's Blog! We hope to count on you on this journey!

Marta Cabral

Nasceu em Lisboa no ano de 1975. Na Associação Rota Vicentina assume o papel de Presidente da Direcção. Nos tempos livres, gosta de caminhar, andar de bicicleta, ler, yoga, silêncio e festas!

Our suggestions

20 Sep 2024 Article Management & Maintenance

Volunteering in October, November and December

Maintenance hikes on the Rota Vicentina trails in October, November and December 2024

Leonor Pires
18 Sep 2024 Article Management & Maintenance

Bridge over the Seixe stream reconstructed

More than a bridge, a sign of resilience.

Irene Nunes
27 Feb 2024 Article Community

The UBUNTU meeting

The term, of South African origin, embodies the essence of community and cooperation, as suggested by its literal translation: "I am because we are".

Nina Leroy
05 Jan 2024 Article Management & Maintenance

Do you want to be a citizen scientist?

We are on iNaturalist! And you, do you also want to be a citizen scientist?

Leonor Pires
13 Oct 2023 Notice Management & Maintenance

Markings of Caminhos de Santiago and short-distance hiking trails coinciding with Rota Vicentina

Hey hikers, take note! There is a variety of trails (and signage) in Porto Covo and Cercal do Alentejo areas.

Irene Nunes
24 Jun 2023 News Community

Breaking news: we have moved!

You can now find our team at our new address: Avenida Teófilo da Trindade N.º6 – Odemira (across from the playground).

Beatriz Silvestre

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09 Apr 2022 Editorial Trips

🇬🇧 The Diary of Semana ID

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