Last update: 12/04/2024
Warnings about water and mud accumulation along the trails of Rota Vicentina after the recent rains.
In the past few days, our Southwest of Portugal has been blessed by rain, it’s been many years since we’ve seen so much rain!
Thus, some trails may be challenging due to water accumulation: flooded paths, lots of mud and slippery ground. During these days, we recommend walking with caution or taking alternative routes.
Most delicate spots on the Walking Trails
Historical Way
S. Teotónio » Odeceixe section, we recommend taking the alternative route. Note: crossing the Seixe stream is not possible, there is a new route, follow the marking and/or download the new GPS track (all information on the section page).
Arrifana » Carrapateira section, to avoid the flooded area, follow the unmarked trail, downloading the available GPS track from the section page of our website.
Fishermen’s Trail
Arrifana » Carrapateira section, to avoid the flooded area, follow the unmarked trail, downloading the available GPS track from the section page of our website.
Useful tips before hitting the trail:
🌦️ Check the weather forecast on IPMA;
🥾 Use appropriate gear: sturdy footwear, waterproof clothing, and hiking poles;
🗺️ Familiarize yourself with the trail you will be traversing: visit the stage page on, check the warnings section, and study the interactive map.
❗ Exercise caution in challenging passages.
Irene Nunes nasceu em França, em 1986. Formou-se em Relações Internacionais, mas foi no Ecoturismo e Educação Ambiental que encontrou o seu caminho. As várias experiências de turismo, natureza e cultura inspiraram o seu percurso e trouxeram-na até ao Sudoeste de Portugal, onde é, desde 2017, responsável pelas áreas de Trilhos Pedestres e Voluntariado na Associação Rota Vicentina.